Dear friends,
We are very sorry to inform you that the announced international course in 2024 in Hannover will not take place. Due to low registration numbers, the minimum number of participants will not be reached. We therefore unfortunately have to cancel the course.
Contents Part 1:
Anatomy, physiology and embryology of the upper cervical joints
Examining the Atlas using X-ray diagnostics
Metamer diagnostics
Palpation techniques
Determination of the correct impulse direction for atlas therapy
Training using the simulator
Craniomandibular dysfunctions
The upper cervical vertebrae in the functional chains/treatment of chain syndromes
Treatment of the upper cervical spine
General therapeutic concepts
Oral and written examination, complemented by an examination on the simulator to obtain a certificate for 'Atlas therapy according to Arlen'.
Neurological components of early childhood development
Neurophysiological and manual medical examination in infancy (positional reactions according to Vojta, key areas for manual medicine)
Early childhood reflexes and reactions
Milestones in the first year of life
Structured examination of infants
Examination und treatment of pelvic girdle
Part 2:
Tonus asymmetry syndrome and differential diagnoses
Sensorimotor integration disorder in infants and children
Special clinical pictures including infantile cerebral palsy and the corresponding treatment options using manual medicine
Structured examination of toddlers and school children
Radiological variations and peculiarities of child development
Introduction of the 'General movements' according to Prechtl
Baby-handling for practitioners and for use in parent training
Specialised myofascial treatment techniques
Specialised impulse techniques for infants and children
Discussion of case studies
Examination and treatment of patients in the course
Written and oral examination, accompanied by an examination on the simulator to obtain the certificate for 'Manual Medicine in Children
Course language: English
Course location: Stephansstift Hannover, Germany
Ärztegesellschaft für Manuelle Kinderbehandlung und Atlastherapie e. V.
Anna-von-Borries-Str. 1-7
30625 Hannover
Telefone: +49 (0) 511 - 53 54 346
Telefax: +49 (0) 511 - 53 54 111
E-Mail: info(at)